Girlie vibes
Kui tihti te kannate kontsi? Ausalt öeldes teeksin ma seda palju rohkem kui mul igapäevaselt võimalik on. Mul leidub erinevaid kontsaga saapaid, kingi jne kordades rohkem kui tenniseid/ketse (eksisteerib ainult 2 paari). Asi on vist selles, et ketside trend hakkab juba nii hullult võimust võtma, et enamus naised on kontsade olemasolu hoopis unustanud ja isegi peole minnes ei panda neid enam jalga- kurb aga tõsi. Kergem on jalga visata tossud, lohvakas t-särk/kudum, skinny jeansid ja krunn pähe. Tuleb tuttav ette? Mind ennast paneb küll vahel muigama.
No muidugi tuleb siin puhul ka mängu iga ühe "personal style" kuid vahel võiks ju kõik ennast natukene naiselikumana tunda.
Hetkel kui seda postitust ette valmistan, siis üle pika aja olen natukene haiglane ja pikutan voodis, mis annab mulle hea võimaluse ka teistele blogidele pilk peale visata ja ennast kurssi viia, mida keegi vahepeal teinud on. Tegemisi on viimasel ajal palju olnud, siis lihtsalt oma tempos "6:30 kodust ära ja 21:00 koju tagasi" ei jää selleks väga palju aega. Aga järgmine nädal ootab mind ees puhkus ja muidugi ka sünnipäev. Ma ei teagi, kas selle viimase üle rõõmustada või mitte. Samas see aasta on minu jaoks olnud tohutult pikk ja üks korralik roller coaster, niiet hea et läbi. Ootan põnevusega, mida järgmine toob ja kui kõik läheb hästi, siis kostitan oma lugejaid varsti ühe väga tähtsa uudisega, mis mind 2016 ees ootab. Niiet järgneva kuu jooksul hoidke oma silmad lahti ja vaadake, mis juhtuma hakkab.
Kombineerisin omavahel casuali ja romantilise. Pitsist detailidega H&M'i trendi kleit sobib nii igapäevaseks kandmiseks tumedate sukkadega ja madalate saabastega kui ka peole minekuks. Tegelikult on kleidil lahtine ja läbipaistev seljaosa, mis muudab selle eriti seksikaks. Pikkade varrukate ja kõrge krae tõttu soovitan ehete valikus jääda võimalikult minimaalseks. Ma ise ei suutnud vastu panna ja viskasin jalga ühed oma kõige kõrgemad saapad, mis pealtnäha tunduvad suhteliselt ebamugavad, kuid kinnitan teile vastupidist. Mugavaks muudab need platvormi osa,mis toetab päkka.
Lisaks kleidile on mul seljas suhteliselt ebapraktiline riietusese. Just sellepärast, et see on valge ja ausalt öeldes istub mu viimane valge mantel rohkem keemilises puhastuses kui mu seljas, sest see määrdub tohutult ruttu. Aga tuleb tunnistada, et valged mantlid on nõrkuseks sellepärast, et need näevad alati väga elegantsed ja stiilsed välja. Eelistan valget ükskõik millisele teisele värvile, kuid igapäevaseks kasutuseks on parem valik hall, must või pruun.
Overview in English:
How often do you wear heels? I seriously would do it a lot more, but sadly it's not possible because of my current job. Even if I'm not wearing them that often, I still got them more than sneakers( those I have only 2 pairs). Heels are girls best friends or what? Lately, sneakers have been such a "trend hit" that most women don't wear them anymore. It's easier to throw on a pair of sneakers, skinny jeans, oversized knitwear or a t-shirt and they are cool to go. I wear those things as well but I think we should never say goodbye to heels, they make us look sexier and feminine.
Actually right now when I'm writing this post I'm laying in bed because I've been feeling a bit sick and now I have time to go through my favorite blogs and catch up with my fellow bloggers, there is always something good in bad situations. Also, I'm having a vacation next week and my birthday as well, this year has been a roller coaster for me and I'm so happy that it's over. I'm also scared and excited about 2016 because hopefully I can share something big with you during this month, so stay tuned for more. I'm totally following this quote right now "life starts where your comfort zone ends", time to follow your goals.
When it comes to this outfit, I wanted to create something more girlie. This dress with lace details is one of my favorites. High collar and long sleeves maybe make it look more conservative but actually it has an open back part and it's quite short, so perfect to dress it up with your black tights and boots for a daily look or mix it together with some crazy heels and hit the city during the weekend. I recommend not to use very outstanding jewellery, just some minimal earrings or rings.
How often do you wear heels? I seriously would do it a lot more, but sadly it's not possible because of my current job. Even if I'm not wearing them that often, I still got them more than sneakers( those I have only 2 pairs). Heels are girls best friends or what? Lately, sneakers have been such a "trend hit" that most women don't wear them anymore. It's easier to throw on a pair of sneakers, skinny jeans, oversized knitwear or a t-shirt and they are cool to go. I wear those things as well but I think we should never say goodbye to heels, they make us look sexier and feminine.
Actually right now when I'm writing this post I'm laying in bed because I've been feeling a bit sick and now I have time to go through my favorite blogs and catch up with my fellow bloggers, there is always something good in bad situations. Also, I'm having a vacation next week and my birthday as well, this year has been a roller coaster for me and I'm so happy that it's over. I'm also scared and excited about 2016 because hopefully I can share something big with you during this month, so stay tuned for more. I'm totally following this quote right now "life starts where your comfort zone ends", time to follow your goals.
When it comes to this outfit, I wanted to create something more girlie. This dress with lace details is one of my favorites. High collar and long sleeves maybe make it look more conservative but actually it has an open back part and it's quite short, so perfect to dress it up with your black tights and boots for a daily look or mix it together with some crazy heels and hit the city during the weekend. I recommend not to use very outstanding jewellery, just some minimal earrings or rings.
Pictures by Kadi-Liis KoppelClothes H&M