Feels like forever
This one week flew by so fast, I did not even recognize it. But it feels like I've been here so long, like a month or something. This city and life here is seriously crazy and even when I'm not doing much during the day, like go to work or anything I feel so tired at the end of the day. This busy rhythm just drains your energy. People running around all the time, crowded streets, metro and traffic. There is no such thing as silence, action on 24/7. Something totally new for us and just trying to keep up with that base. I've sent a lot of CV's last week and few yesterday as well. But it usually takes like 2 weeks to anybody to respond, so we will see. I got lucky with 2 interviews and they responded like in one day. One was for Sandro and another one The Kooples. Both are super cool french clothing brands. On Monday Sandro will give the answer if I did got through to the second round, so fingers crossed. And unfortunately, The Kooples don't have any available positions at the moment, but they really loved my CV and told me that I will be their nr 1 choice if something will pop up.
Laura got her bank account done today and I will go to my second appointment tomorrow. It's kinda a big deal here to get it done. Things are moving in a good direction and we are happy about it.I also need to tell you about our new flat. So we moved here like two days ago and our first impression was like "Oh my god". Not about the flat but the people who are living here. They obviously don't like to clean, so yesterday I and Laura did like the biggest cleaning marathon ever. There are 2 guys and a girl who are living here with us. One guy, Daniel is quite okay, we even talked more than "Hello, my name is..." but the other two. I have no words.At least, we don't see them at all and 99% of the time they are in their rooms which is a good thing. The flat is quite old and not very nice as I told you before but we don't complain.
Laura got her bank account done today and I will go to my second appointment tomorrow. It's kinda a big deal here to get it done. Things are moving in a good direction and we are happy about it.I also need to tell you about our new flat. So we moved here like two days ago and our first impression was like "Oh my god". Not about the flat but the people who are living here. They obviously don't like to clean, so yesterday I and Laura did like the biggest cleaning marathon ever. There are 2 guys and a girl who are living here with us. One guy, Daniel is quite okay, we even talked more than "Hello, my name is..." but the other two. I have no words.At least, we don't see them at all and 99% of the time they are in their rooms which is a good thing. The flat is quite old and not very nice as I told you before but we don't complain.
When it comes to my outfit I went all black again. I don't know why I'm wearing more and more black lately. I'm thrilled with my fringed jacket and finally, it's warm enough to wear it. The weather is treating us well.
To my estonian readers:
Esimene nädal lendas nii kiiresti mööda, et ma ei märganudki seda. Tegelikult rääkisime Lauraga, et mul on selline tunne nagu oleksime siin olnud juba kuu. London liigub täiesti teises rütmis ja sellega harjumine võtab palju rohkem aega, kui arvasin. Me küll hetkel ei käi tööl ega midagi, aga päeva lõpuks on peal mega väsimus. Inimesed jooksevad ringi, lõputud liiklusummikud, ülerahvastatud metrood ja tänavad, pole midagi mida Eestis igapäevaselt näeks. See lause, et " London never sleeps" on vägagi tõsi. Vaikust leida on siin põhimõtteliselt võimatu.
Eelmine nädal saatsin välja päris palju CV'sid ja samuti mõned eile, niiet nüüd peab vastuseid ootama. Enamasti läheb aega umbes kaks nädalat enne kui keegi ennast liigutama hakkab. Mul vedas kahe intervjuuga, millele sain vastuse paar päevaga. Mõlemad olid prantsuse riidebrändidele- Sandro ja The Kooples. Esimesel, Sandro intervjuul suutsin ikka korralikult närvi minna, aga see kutt kes seda läbi viis ütles, et oli hea. Esmaspäeval pidin vastuse saama, kas liigun edasi teise vooru või mitte. Hoidke siis pöialt, et mul hästi läheks. Peale seda seadsin sammud The Kooples'i head officisse Londonis, kahjuks neil pole ühtegi vaba kohta hetkel, aga tahtsid ikkagi minuga intervjuu teha ja ütlesid, et olen nende nr1 valik kui midagi peaks vabanema. Vähemalt sain oma märgi sinna maha jätta, mis on hea.
Nüüd pean teiega jagama meie uut kolimist. Jõudsime üleeile siia ja tuleb ausalt öelda, et nendele inimestele vist väga koristada ei meeldi, kes siin elavad. Kuna mina ja Laura oleme ikka nendega võrreldes puhtuse hullud, siis tegime eile kahetunnise koristamise maratoni. Lisaks meile elavad siin veel 3 inimest, 2 kutti ja 1 neiu. Ühe Danieliga vestlesime isegi rohkem kui "Tere, minu nimi on...", teised kaks on suht introverdid. Õnneks veedavad nad 99% ajast oma tubades või tööl, mis meile sobib. Saame ise ringi askeldada ja vahepeal selline tunne, et rohkem ei elagi siin korteris kedagi peale minu ja Laura. Eile facetime'sime Kaspariga ja mul tuli multisekundiks Eesti igatsus peale või tegelt pigem oma sõprade. Aga õnneks Kerli, Risto, Karl ja Tauri on meil siin paari tänava kaugusel niiet ei teagi kohe mida me ilma nendeta siin teeksime.
Mis puudutab minu riietuse valikut selle postituse jaoks, siis all black everything jälle. Ma viimasel ajal kannan aina rohkem musta, mida ma pole kunagi elus teinud. Tegelikult ootan, et saaksin juba omale suvgraderoobi hakata kokku ostma, mustrid ja värvid- see on ikkagi enamasti minu teema.
Pictures by Laura Saimre
Jacket, trousers, boots, t-shirt H&M / Shirt New Yorker/ Chocker Forever21
Jacket, trousers, boots, t-shirt H&M / Shirt New Yorker/ Chocker Forever21
Enjoy xx