Let's bargin?
It's good when you have familiar faces around in the new city. Brita wrote me another day and came up with this super cool idea to make a collaboration together. She is a photographer from Estonia who is currently living in London as well. Because I have a lot of free time in my hands at the moment I said immediately YES! We met up and went to the Camden Market. It's London's most popular open-air market area with a lot of shops, pubs, stalls, bars and canal boats. It's usually super over-crowded and very busy place. But I have to say, if you ever want to try some good street food, then it's the place where to go!
I decided to wear my new oversized leather jacket which I bought from one of the coolest Vintage stores the other day when me and Karl were tripping around the Brick Lane.The store is called ROKIT, so if you ever plan to go to Brick Lane then pop in. I seriously loved this area, it has this cool hipster vibe and super stylish people walking around the streets. After going to different boutiques we got hungry and went to the BOXPARK to get something to eat. It's a place where dozens of shipping containers contain stores and eating places. It looks so dope and totally different!
I decided to wear my new oversized leather jacket which I bought from one of the coolest Vintage stores the other day when me and Karl were tripping around the Brick Lane.The store is called ROKIT, so if you ever plan to go to Brick Lane then pop in. I seriously loved this area, it has this cool hipster vibe and super stylish people walking around the streets. After going to different boutiques we got hungry and went to the BOXPARK to get something to eat. It's a place where dozens of shipping containers contain stores and eating places. It looks so dope and totally different!
To my estonian readers:
Teate kui tore see on, kui sul on võõras linnas tuttavad näod. Paar päeva tagasi kirjutas mulle Brita, kes elab samuti Londonis ja tegi mulle ettepaneku koostööd teha. Nimelt on ta fotograaf ja mis saaks veelgi ägedam olla kui korraldada üks mõnus pildistamine? Just seda me tegime. Üleeile seadsime siis sammud Camden Towni poole ja veetsime seal ühe asjaliku pärastlõuna. Camden Town on avatud turg, kust leiab põhimõtteliselt kõike asju. Seal käib pidev kauplemine, sagimine ja müügitöö. Igaüks, kes seal putka püsti on pannud üritab oma kaupa iga hinna eest maha müüa. Mida ma soovitan inimesele, kes sinna veel sattunud ei ole, proovida järgi sealne tänavatoit, see viib lihtsalt keele alla. Valikut jätkub kõigile!
Mis puudutab mu outfiti valikut, siis otsustasin selga visata oma uue oversized nahkjaki. Pühapäeval käisime Karliga Brick Laine'il ja sattusime sellisesse Vintage poodi nagu Rokit. Ilmselgelt ei väljunud me seal tühjade kätega nagu näha. Üleüldse on Brick Lane üks mu lemmik kohti siiamaani, kus ma Londonis käinud olen. Tänavad on täis erinevaid butiike, pubisid ja väga palju stiilseid inimesi. Korraks tekkis selline Telliskivi Loomelinnaku tunne peale. Mõnus hipster vibe ühesõnaga. Peale tänavatel ringi uitamist läksid meil muidugi kõhud tühjaks ja mul õnnestus ka BOXPARKi külastada. BOXPARK koosneb erinevatest konteiner poodidest ja söögikohtadest, mis näeb juba väljast täiesti teistsugune välja. Jällegi pange oma TO DO listi kui Londonisse tulete.
Praegu aga saadan teile Eestisse tervitusi ja palju päikest!
Praegu aga saadan teile Eestisse tervitusi ja palju päikest!
Enjoy xo