Memory lane

Oh hello everyone. So apparently I will be home for another 3 weeks as the lockdown in the UK is continuing.  I am still enjoying this time off although it's officially my 10th week being at home and not working, don't even know how to do my job anymore lol. So funny how everyone had such a good feeling about 2020 and here we are spending most of it probably at home and not even having a chance to travel in the near future. I went through some of my pictures from my trip to New York and I haven't really uploaded some of those pictures anywhere. So I thought I will share them and we can have a small walk on the memory lane today because these things really cheer me up. Looking back and understanding how privileged we were before and having the chance to hop on the plane any time and travel any part of the world, never gonna take this granted again. I had quite a few awesome trips last year so I might do a few different posts regards to travel.
I think New York is the place that everyone needs to visit at least once in their lives. I mean I've never been to the US before so it was such a crazy experience. For me the whole time we were there it felt like I was walking in the movie, so surreal I cannot really explain it. I don't know if I would like to go back to NY in the near future but definitely back to the US! There are so many other cities to see and explore so I cannot wait. I am putting high hopes on 2021 now as 2020 is officially canceled when it comes to traveling, earliest we can start thinking about it is maybe the end of the year. So until then, I will be sharing a lot of throwbacks from the last few years and really make plans for the future.

I hope you all enjoyed this, did not do much writing but the pictures were speaking from themselves I think. Stay safe xx


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